• Marketing, Multimedia
  • 31.03.23

Creating Desire: How Professional Product Photography Boosts Sales

Product photography is a type of commercial photography that aims to present a product in the best possible photographic representation. It involves using proper lighting tools, background materials, camera focus, angles, and editing to create high-quality images. Utilizing professional product photographs is crucial for sellers of goods to compete in the 2021 marketplace, as it helps customers better choose between rival products. Additionally, new types of product photographs are available, which better help buyers differentiate between products.


To create effective product photos that promote your brand, you don’t need fancy equipment or a professional photographer. You simply need to identify your photography goals and invest time and energy in bringing them to life. 


Here is some insight into the different types of product photography: 

Ghost Mannequin Technique

One of these techniques is the ghost mannequin technique, which is created using Photoshop. It involves taking eye-level shots with a live model and one shot of the top of the clothing photographed inside-out. Then, the live model’s limbs are carefully removed in Photoshop, and the top of the inside of the shirt is blended onto where the neck protrudes from the shirt, creating the look of the garment being worn. Further, extra wrinkles can be removed from garments with a Photoshop technique called “frequency separation.”

Product photos on a white background



Product photos on a white background are a popular type of product photography, as they allow the product to be the sole focus of the shot. With careful lighting and a seamless white background, the resulting photos are crisp and sharp, highlighting the product’s details. Interestingly, if the backdrop is not illuminated, it will appear gray in the photo. The background color can also be changed in post-production using software such as Photoshop or Lightroom. We have previously discussed the benefits of using white background photography.


Lifestyle Photography


Another type of product photography is lifestyle photography, where people are posed in carefully crafted scenes that depict a certain type of lifestyle. This type of photography is often used in advertisements, where the product is shown in relation to a desirable lifestyle gain. For example, a cell phone advertisement might show the phone’s customer connecting or sharing with others, rather than focusing solely on the phone itself. Expert photographers are needed to make these poses look natural and to capture the perfect photograph of the scene.

Product photography for Amazon


Product photography for Amazon has become a distinct category due to the strict requirements set by the platform for product listing pages. The photos must be in a square 1,000 by the 1,000-pixel image in RGB format, saved in JPEG, TIFF, or GIF format, and must fill 85 percent of the frame. Amazon also has specific guidelines for filenames for each product’s set of photographs. High resolution is required to allow customers to zoom in on the product image. The main image must be set against a white background, while subsequent images can include infographics or show other sides of the product. Lifestyle photos and videos are also recommended.


360-degree view


Another type of product photography is the 360-degree view. By taking multiple photographs of different camera angles and assembling them with software, photographers can create a 360-degree product view. To create a great 360-degree view, photographers use a turntable and move the product in small increments relative to the stationary camera on a tripod. This technique allows consumers to view the product from every angle. A 360-degree view is ideal for products like running shoes for avid runners.


Fashion Photography:



Fashion photography is a specialized form of clothing photography that typically involves hiring models to wear and showcase clothing. The models may be photographed in exotic locations or wear outfits with a particular theme, creating a lifestyle ethos that showcases the clothing in action in daily life. Unlike studio clothing photography, fashion photography demands a different set of skills as the models are in motion, and lighting may not be easy to control. Fashion photography provides a dramatic way to display your clothing line and can add value to your brand.


Ultimately, the type of photography you choose for your product depends on several factors, including the type of product, its intended use, and the target market. In today’s digital age, there are several exciting and innovative ways to photograph products that can help customers make informed decisions.

Crucial Aspects of Product Photography Pricing



Product photography pricing is determined by the number of images required, offering significant discounts for larger orders. Establishing a price for your photography services can seem daunting. However, a frequently overlooked yet simple strategy is to determine the minimum amount you need to earn per session to avoid losing money. This can serve as a solid starting point for setting your photography pricing.


There are specific factors to consider when determining the price for an image, including:

Material Costs

The material costs for a session vary for each photographer and often differ based on the type of session. Common expenses include proofs, CDs, and session giveaways. It is also crucial to factor in the cost of your average print sale. For example, if you typically sell a few sets of wallet-sized prints and an 8×10, you must account for the lab charges for these items as part of your material costs.

Time Costs

For most photographers, time costs are often overlooked when determining pricing. While it may be tempting to dedicate as much time as possible to a single session to maximize earnings, it is important to recognize that striving for a larger sale requires more time investment. The time you need to allocate for a session should include scheduling, shooting, editing, sales appointments, and order fulfillment. You might be surprised by the amount of time spent on a single session.


Another aspect of time costs is determining your desired hourly wage. This is different from the amount you charge clients for an hour of photography; it is the amount you want to take home. Determining an hourly rate can be challenging, but a good starting point is $30 per hour, with $50 per hour as an achievable goal.


Studio Costs

Calculating the additional expenses associated with running a studio into your session costs can be complicated. As such, it is often more straightforward to apply a markup to the total material and time costs. If you operate a retail studio, the markup will be higher than a home studio due to increased overhead costs. This markup should cover expenses such as advertising, rent, and utilities.

How Professional Product Photography Can Elevate Your Business

Incorporating visual elements into your business is crucial, as a lack of imagery can leave potential customers confused and disinterested. However, simply taking mediocre photos will not suffice in today’s competitive market. To truly convey the professionalism of your business, you need to enlist the skills of an experienced product photographer. Here are some ways professional photography can elevate your business.

Enhancing Credibility

Imagine you are shopping for accessories online and come across a business with poorly shot and framed photos, haphazard item arrangements, dull angles, and lackluster lighting—or worse, no photos at all. Maintaining credibility is essential, and it does not matter how great your product is if it appears unremarkable or unappealing. This can negatively impact your business.


A skilled product photographer can assess your inventory and determine the most effective way to showcase it. The best photographers will involve you in the process by consulting on ideal poses, lighting, and settings. While it is important to trust their judgment, offering your own suggestions fosters productive discussions, ultimately leading to a mutually agreeable outcome.


Standing Out

When faced with the choice between two similar products at the same price from online retailers, it is reasonable for a customer to select the one with professional photography. There is a noticeable difference between the best amateur work and the best professional work, as professionals have greater access to and understanding

Mastering the Intricacies of Product Photography

Even if you don’t personally take product photos, understanding the process can be highly beneficial. Depending on your inventory, you may offer a wide range of products. A skilled product photographer will not use a one-size-fits-all approach for your entire stock. Instead, they will evaluate each item individually, ensuring that every product, whether clothing, jewelry, or otherwise, receives the attention it deserves.


Before a photography session, inquire about the settings the photographer plans to use. If you are unclear about any aspect, such as aperture or f-stop, ask for clarification. Afterward, examine the photos and note any compositional differences. Discuss these with the photographer to gain a deeper understanding of their choices. The more you know about photography, the more confident you will be in expressing your opinions. If you have strong views on a particular technique or angle, share them. Ensure that the photographer you hire has experience with your specific products, and don’t hesitate to decline further services if the results don’t meet your expectations.


Telling a Story Through Imagery


Your business and products may have fascinating stories, but it’s important to remember that people are busy and may not have time to read every piece of text. Instead, engage your audience with compelling photography. Strive for a balance between text and images on your website by including a gallery section showcasing captivating product photos. Accompany these with concise descriptions to answer any questions viewers may have. People will be drawn in by the photography and then feel satisfied by the informative descriptions. Additionally, ensure that your website is well-designed to seamlessly integrate high-quality photography, making it an essential component of your online presence.

Product photographers take pride in showcasing products in a way that gives businesses a competitive edge. With so much competition in the market, it’s crucial to demonstrate that your business stands out. Through top-notch product photography, you’ll be able to highlight your business’s value like never before. If you’re interested in using a professional service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with DesignInDC at your earliest convenience.


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