- Content Writing
- Ongoing SEO & Social Media Marketing
- Custom Animation
- Custom Icons
Founder Chazz Clevinger reached out to Design in DC for help with marketing and design services that also included a new website that would drive sales conversions. We initially started with building a new website from the ground-up and redesigning CiviClick's brand. This website had many custom illustrations and animations to make the experience more dynamic and also wrote all of the content from scratch. The client was very happy with the result, and we have been an ongoing partner for CiviClick ever since.
CiviClick was facing scalability issues with their previous application, so they partnered with Design In DC to fully redesign the web application, and redevelop it with a new database model that could support their rapid expansion. Being able to redesign their app also ensured a consistency for the UI/UX when compared to the website, so clients would identify that experience with CiviClick itself. We also worked with the team to market their service to new customers through ongoing SEO, social media, and content writing efforts. We have been able to achieve month-over-month growth in generating quality leads for CiviClick.
Over these different projects, we have maintained a consistency with CiviClick's branding of something that is clean and simple, but also engaging. We are excited to continue working with them as they continue to grow out their company. The website and the web app were both built to be scalable, so we can work off of those foundations rather than starting from square one when it's time for updates. In fact, over the course of our partnership we have added new things to both the website and the web app as the client has requested.